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Hanshiluoting liked article: 诺娃独立游戏通讯 2021-#31 2021-08-26
Hanshiluoting made a comment on an article: 《我要找一首歌》——一个时长一周的游戏开发探索经历 2021-08-24
Hanshiluoting made a comment on an article: 《我要找一首歌》——一个时长一周的游戏开发探索经历 2021-08-24
Hanshiluoting made a comment on a user game: 我要找一首歌 2021-08-24
Hanshiluoting updated the game: 我要找一首歌: demos
Hanshiluoting posted an article: 《我要找一首歌》——一个时长一周的游戏开发探索经历
Hanshiluoting liked user blog: 无声狂欢 #2 目前最强大的2D捏人系统之一 2021-08-18
Hanshiluoting followed: 顺子 2021-08-18
Hanshiluoting followed: 该问 2021-08-18
Hanshiluoting liked user's game: 无声狂欢 2021-08-18
Hanshiluoting posted a blog: 测试 2021-08-18
Hanshiluoting liked user blog: 《我要找一首歌》——一个时长一周的游戏开发探索经历 2021-08-18
Hanshiluoting posted a blog: 《我要找一首歌》——一个时长一周的游戏开发探索经历 2021-08-18
Hanshiluoting updated the game: 我要找一首歌: demos
Hanshiluoting updated the game: 我要找一首歌: videos
Hanshiluoting updated the game: I Need to Find a Song: features
Hanshiluoting updated the game: 我要找一首歌: features
Hanshiluoting liked user's game: I Need to Find a Song 2021-08-14
Hanshiluoting liked user's game: 我要找一首歌 2021-08-14
Hanshiluoting released a new game: 我要找一首歌
Hanshiluoting has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-08-14
Hanshiluoting liked article: 在 GMS2 中实现动态遮罩效果(译) 2021-07-17
Hanshiluoting joined group: GameMaker Studio 2 2021-05-23
Hanshiluoting liked article: 【诗 - 开发日志 #3】挖下了几个滔天巨坑 2021-02-14
Hanshiluoting posted an article: 【诗 - 开发日志 #3】挖下了几个滔天巨坑
Hanshiluoting liked user blog: 【诗-开发日志#3】2021/1/30 挖下了几个滔天巨坑 2021-02-01
Hanshiluoting posted a blog: 【诗-开发日志#3】2021/1/30 挖下了几个滔天巨坑 2021-01-31
Hanshiluoting updated the game: 诗: development progress 25%
Hanshiluoting made a comment on an article: 诗 - 开发日志 #1 2020-11-21
Hanshiluoting made a comment on an article: 【诗 - 开发日志 #2】问题解决与判定优化 2020-11-21