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Last Activity

ghostu achieved: Newcomer 2022-11-10

ghostu has upgraded to grade: 2 2022-11-10

ghostu followed: 富川松木 2021-05-30

ghostu 's review on 勇者生气了 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2020-05-07

ghostu liked user's game: UpBoll 2020-04-02

ghostu 's review on 幸存者:星星之火 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2020-03-30

ghostu 's review on 几何竞技场 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2020-03-26

ghostu followed: 011 Games 2020-03-24

ghostu posted a blog: 求KEY 2020-03-21

ghostu 's review on 开物天工 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2020-03-20

ghostu joined group: Steam 2020-03-20

ghostu followed: KGS2019 2020-03-20

ghostu 's review on UpBoll @ NovaPress was accepted. 2020-03-20

ghostu followed: zhangTingFeng 2020-03-19

ghostu liked user's game: 宏大叙事之真剑决斗 2020-03-19

ghostu 's review on 我的勒托物语 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2020-03-18

ghostu made a comment on a user game: 球球碰撞 2020-03-18

ghostu followed: indienova 2020-03-18

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