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《战火》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

The Scott Studio updated the game: 战火: team 2018-11-15

The Scott Studio was verified as: 《战火》开发团队 2016-11-23

The Scott Studio updated the game: 战火: logo image 2016-10-08

The Scott Studio liked user's game: 战火 2016-02-24

The Scott Studio made a comment on a user game: 战火 2016-02-20

The Scott Studio made a comment on a user game: 战火 2016-02-15

The Scott Studio updated the game: 战火: store links 2016-02-15

The Scott Studio updated the game: 战火: screenshots 2016-01-30

The Scott Studio achieved: Newcomer 2016-01-30

The Scott Studio has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-01-30

The Scott Studio updated the game: 战火: related links 2016-01-26

The Scott Studio redeemed a Steam key Hard Reset Extended Edition. 2016-01-11

The Scott Studio updated the game: 战火: screenshots 2016-01-11

The Scott Studio was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2016-01-07

The Scott Studio updated the game: 战火: videos 2016-01-07

The Scott Studio updated the game: 战火: logo image 2016-01-07

The Scott Studio updated the game: 战火: development progress 70% 2016-01-07

The Scott Studio achieved: Indie Developer 2016-01-07

The Scott Studio released a new game: 战火 2016-01-07

The Scott Studio followed: Humble Ray 2016-01-07

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