I'm a student and a gamer.I Iove games,especial RPGs.And I dream of becoming a game designer.Although my family don’t agree with my dreams at all except my brother.I will do it.Because it's my only dream...

Last Activity

daois made a comment on a user game: The Lives 2017-08-18

daois followed: 游戏打折情报 2017-08-18

daois followed: indie 新闻官 2017-08-18

daois followed: indie 新闻官 2017-08-18

daois followed: 叶默哲 2017-08-18

daois followed: 叶默哲 2017-08-18

daois saved article: 劝君莫再谈“游戏” 2017-08-18

daois liked article: 劝君莫再谈“游戏” 2017-08-18

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