
Last Activity

cryhades updated the game: 隐形迷宫: development progress 100% 2022-01-18

cryhades updated the game: 口袋英灵: development progress 100% 2022-01-18

cryhades released a new game: 黑猫魔法师 2022-01-12

cryhades has upgraded to grade: 4 2022-01-12

cryhades released a new game: 防道少女团卡牌游戏 2021-12-12

cryhades updated the game: 魔法与高塔: screenshots 2021-12-12

cryhades released a new game: 口袋英灵 2021-12-12

cryhades has upgraded to grade: 3 2021-12-12

cryhades released a new game: 隐形迷宫 2021-12-12

cryhades liked user's game: 魔法与高塔 2021-05-08

cryhades achieved: Indie Developer 2021-04-30

cryhades released a new game: 魔法与高塔 2021-04-30

cryhades achieved: Newcomer 2021-04-30

cryhades has upgraded to grade: 2 2021-04-30

cryhades followed: indienova 2021-04-27

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