2742753431 achieved: Newcomer 2018-12-27

2742753431 has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-12-27

2742753431 provided Chinese introduction to the game Kindergarten(幼儿园). 2018-12-27

2742753431 provided Chinese introduction to the game ESSENCE(本质). 2018-12-27

2742753431 provided Chinese introduction to the game 80 Days(80 天). 2018-12-27

2742753431 followed: dougen 2018-11-18

2742753431 followed: 五行萌妹纸 2018-11-18

2742753431 followed: yellow 2018-11-18

2742753431 followed: 悟空实验室 2018-11-18

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